Saturday, May 15, 2010

Tactical Disadvatages

So after the loss of The Ronin, I thought it was time we talked about what to do when you're in a losing situation.
First, is you have to make some assumptions your world after zombies:
  1. Zombies should be feared. I know this has been said before, but this will kill so many people it's not even funny. "Oh, look they're slow." Too bad the other fifty where sneaking up behind you while that one just lumbers slowly. They are single-minded killing machines, that means they're better at killing you than the other way around.
  2. The world around you will change. Unless you have some construction workers and janitors that just happen to continue their jobs unaffected by the zombies; the man made structures are going to deteriorate. After some time, the place you call home may crumble around you just because the ground shifted, and then the zombies will eat you. (cue Kermit the frog:) Yaaaaaaay!
  3. Things will go wrong. This is another thing we've said before, but if you live by Murphy's Law (whatever can go wrong will go wrong) then you have a much higher chance of survival. Don't just have faith in your skills and stuff, assume that you will fail. On a more positive note, you should still fight like you're going to win, morale is important too.
  4. You will die. Meaning: when you're totally fucked, what do you do? The Rogue plans on having explosives on her so she can take as many of them with her. Myself, I'll probably be swinging my sword until the last minute. (Yeah, my way hurts more, but it's kind of epic.)
All things being awesome, I hope you're either smarter than these or they just don't happen to you, but again, don't just have faith. Anyway, hope this helps.

Stay safe kids,
The Tactician

Sunday, April 25, 2010


The Ronin 2009-2010

Have fun being zombie meat!

Love, The Team of WeComePrepared